So here I am almost at the end of another week feeling very lazy even though I have no choice but to be active because (drum roll and musical peals in the background) EXAMS ARE HERE! Yeah, it is another one of those times when you have to sit down and try and conglomerate all the info u got throughout the sem and try and consolidate it into two long hours of writing and aching knuckles only for someone to evaluate and call it mediocre because they probably din't understand half the English you were writing in there. (All of you in Malaysia will understand..... the rest of you, stay with me will ya!). So anyway, yesterday I am watching Out of Africa.... because the last time I watched it I was like 9 years old and it was too boring so I ended up falling asleep. I preffered the lion one.... what was it? Born Free I think.... the one about Elsamere in Naivasha. Ok so anyway, I was watching Out of Africa and noticed how stupid they made Africans look. TRUST ME! You don't wanna be a relative to anyone in that movie. Kwanza the Kyuk chief.... that was just hillarious. Then there was this guy called Juma who was the kambotch who was given gloves and then couldn't shika bottles.... AS in!!!!??? What the hell is that all about. Then this other guy called Farrah who is told to build a pond and tells Karen Blixen ati you can't trap the water because it lives in Mombasa.... And this thing actually won awards... Haya, the master of all of them was this dude that had a festering wound in his leg. She (Baroness Blixen) tells him that he should talk to the leg and tell the leg to come to her house so's she can fix it. He now says that the leg is foolish because it is scared and it does not want to heed to good advice. She tells him that if the leg tries to cooperate that she might give the leg better work with better wages. The kyuk that he is the dude says "Which kind of wages would this be"? She says "better than those of a goat herder" he thinks about it a minute and then says "I will discuss this with the foolish leg". ALl this conversation is being carried out in heavy Kyuk and Danish accents. It was hillarious!!!! All in all I can't wait to go home. I miss the place.... kyuks and rotting legs and all..... Have a nostalgic day won't you!
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