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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

For the Word is right and true...

The Kenyan music scene has reached a very healthy level of competition and diversity now. What's amazing is just when you think.... Oh no... they just didn't go there.... they usually did. And this is what sucks. I had thought that at least Gospel music would have reached a new level after 10 years of evolving and imitating and recreating itself. And don't get me wrong, There are a few artistes who have actually managed to come up with some 'listenable' tunes. But when it comes to music that is not just for jamming.... (yaani ya kujibamba) we have grossly miscalculated the retention power our music can actually have. Many people hated on me about saying the "Fundi wa Mbao" song was just a jamming song. But to be honest, if I was not born again, I would fall in love with the groove of the song and the beats and totally disregard the content. Also seeing as the content has no nourishment whatsoever for the Christian Soul. Also considering if it is not meant for that purpose then it should be made for the purpose of ministry. I would have no idea of what they were singing unless I had background of the bible I am sorry and furthermore... Pardon me, but I do beg to differ.... because my Jesus is more than 'just' a carpenter.


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